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autumn 1995

Independence for Cornwall
Cross of St Piran - flag of Cornwall

ULSTER is often portrayed as just the northern part of Ireland. The the fact that Ulster is an historic nation in its own right is ignored. The nation of Cornwall shares a similar fate - it is usually viewed as England's most south-westerly county. However, it is not an Anglo-Saxon shire at all. England was first united by Athelstan (924-939 AD). At a meeting in Hereford he fixed the River Wye as the boundary between England and the North Welsh. In 929 AD, after evicting the Celts from Exeter, he made the River Tamar the boundary between England and the West Welsh (or Cornish Celts). Athelstan had annexed both Wales and Cornwall to England but he had not made them part of it, either ethnically or territorially. In many of his Charters, Athelstan is described as 'King of the English and Ruler of all Britain'. The Mappa Mundi in Hereford Cathedral shows the island of Britain as comprising England, Scotland, Wales and Cornwall.

The Domesday Book accepted the Tamar border: without question but William the Conqueror lost little time in replacing Cadoc, the Cornish Earl of Cornwall, with Robert, Count of Mortain. King's 'favourites' remained as Earls of Cornwall until 1337 when Edward III created the Duchy of Cornwall out of the Earldom for his young son, later known as the Black Prince. Cornwall remains a Duchy, vested in the Duke of Cornwall when there is one and in the Crown when there is not. (This constitutional position should not be confused with Prince Charles's private estate) .

Our two small nations have much in common. We share a common cultural and ethnic heritage with the rest of the British Isles. But we also have our own distinct and unique culture, language and traditions. Our national identity and sovereignty are threatened by our respective larger neighbours. We are both 'ruled' by the Crown - an institution that many believe is incompatible with true democracy and self-determination.

Ulster Nation supports the right of the Cornish people to seek an independent Cornwall. We look forward to the day when Cornwall is free and the representatives of the corrupt Westminster regime are sent on their way.

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